Dejoie proposes a complete range of identification and security references with identification seals, safety seals and high safety seals. Dejoie provides an offer of safety seals adapted to each customer’s specific needs. Our seals are available in a broad array of models, versions and materials so as to protect all types of goods and containers. Our supply of seals meets your needs for control, identification and tracking of your goods or your industrial equipments.
Safety seals according to their field of application

Bank and cash transport
So as to minimize risks of fraud or theft, Dejoie distributes safety seals for the banking sector, cash transport and private security companies.

Chemical and pharmaceutical industry
Dejoie provides several models of safety seals allowing control and identification of chemical containers, liquid or powder.

Energy sources and fluids
Dejoie supplies a complete range of safety seals adapted to water, gas and electricity supply companies.

Fire safety
Our safety seals guarantee that the firefighting equipment remains in good working order.

Food industry
Dejoie proposes safety and identification seals to trace movements, quality, security and origin of the goods

The use of safety seals and safety stickers is essential to guarantee the confidentiality of informations and the integrity of products.

Metrology and weighing
Dejoie proposes a range of safety seals ensuring accuracy and maintaining calibration of your measuring equipments.

Dejoie provides a range of safety seals adapted to security and to the tracking of waste disposal destined for shredding and asbestos removal industry.

Security and defence
Dejoie makes available several models of safety seals allowing identification, control and tracking of goods and weapons.

Transport and logistics
Dejoie proposes a range of high safety seals compliant with ISO 17712 and CT-PAT standards.