Security seal
Security seal definition:
Safety tool able to show an attempt of physical damage on the equipment on which it is placed, even if this attempt was not successful. The aim is to prevent theft, contaminating, smuggling, etc. Each seal is offered with a consecutive or random numbering to facilitate control on entry rules, goods regulations, etc. Options such as brand logo, barcode, data matrix, fraud indication, etc… can be added. This is a guarantee for our customers that each seal is unique and can’t be replaced.
Security seals classification:
Indicative seals
Indicative seals are ideal to leave a visible trace in case of unauthorized entry. They’ve been developed for low risk utilization, when the removal of the seal can be done by hand or with a cutting tool.
Security seals
Security seals have been conceived with material providing a limited resistance to a burglary attempt, indeed they can’t be put back nor reused. The removal is made with light cutting tools.
Hight security seals
High security seals have been conceived with material (steel) providing high resistance, the aim is to delay opening. They can be removed with a bolt cutters plier or a wire cutting plier.
Ranges of seals
Lead seals
Lead seals are used to show fraud attempt, the crimping is made with sealing pliers. They can be equipped with a metal rod.
Plastic security seals
Plastic security seals are used to show fraud attempt. They have a progressive tightening, a defined perimeter and padlock type.
Metal security seals
Metal security seals are mainly used as a protective barrier with high resistance
Hight security seals
High security seals provide the highest resistance with a high security level according to ISO 17712 standard. They are made of two metal parts : the nail and the body. Otherwise they are made with a steel cable connected to the seal body.
Security labels
Security labels are directly stuck on a surface. Depending on the type of labels, either it can leave a trace, be torn apart and/or let show any attempt of physical damage on the equipment.
Marking technologies
Hot stamping
A heated matrix block is printed on the plastic seal, using or not a colour film (white, black, red, blue, etc…) according to your needs in term of logo. This printing leaves permanent traces.
Laser marking
Marking is made through superficial burn of the material (metal or plastic), which makes seal’s customizing almost indelible. The marking combination is multiple (logo and/or numbering) and monochrome.
Thermal marking/transfer
Marking is made through a print head on a transfer ribbon by contact between the heating source and the plastic seal. This is a high quality printing abrasion resistant. It guarantees high-definition to facilitate the reading of barcodes or data matrix.
How to choose your seal ?
Several criteria are crucial to decide which security seal is the most appropriate to the protection of your equipments :
- Type and value of the equipment to be sealed ?
- Conditions of use (mechanical, resistance, weather conditions) ?
- Marking typology (logo, barcodes, numbering) ?
- Logistical constraints ?